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Monday, December 3, 2012

I am totally going to make one of these this year!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

xmas cards ordered. Check.

5x7 Folded Card
View the entire collection of cards.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I am hosting a swap over on Swap-bot on the open boards. Alter a wooden mouse trap into a message clip. Check it out and sign up:

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I am going to try to be more proactive about blogging. Some day, I will have followers and be cool. LOL.

I am getting ready for my twin boy's graduation on May 12th. I "sort of" have their scrapbooks ready. At least as ready as they are going to get.

Then, on May 24th, my daughter is turning 8 and we are planning a theme party....Journey 2- The Mysterious Island. Should be fun. I will get pics posted.

Right now, I am addicted to the site called "Swap-Bot". It motivates me to make things. Here is a link to some of the stuff I have made for swaps:

Finally posting about the Tim Holtz Cruise

So...I never did post  thatI was going...and now I have been back for MONTHS. Sept 25- Oct 2, my good friend Lisa and I went on a Caribbean Cruise with Tim Holtz. We took several classes with Tim and had a really great time. Athough, I don't think I would ever craft and cruise again. Too resrictive.
This was my 1st ever cruise. I spent 2 days feeling sick...kind of spinny in the head. After that, all went well.
The first class we did was an altered thermal cup. Eh...just ok. The other classes were awesome. More pics coming later.

Monday, April 18, 2011

I won! I won!

So...I am a member of this awesome Yahoo Group called "All Things Tim". I learn so much there and participate in swaps, etc. Last month, I played a game of Bingo on ATT and actually WON! Which is shocking... because I never win anything. Anyway..."List Mom", Gloria, mailed out my winnings and the package arrived today! Woohoo! Great Stuff! And I didn't have ANY of it? How is that possible? I have SO much Tim stuff.

Here's what I get to add to my stash:

  1. Alteration texture fades (Burlap and swirls set)

  2. A stack of numbers Grungeboard

  3. Seasonal Paper Stash 12x12 cardstock

  4. Seasonal Salvage stickers

Fa-BU-Lous! Thanks, Gloria!!